Swami Gupta resides in Bridgeport, CT and is willing to travel to your event. Host a gathering at your home or organize a larger event. He shares his practical wisdom through question and answer sessions(Satsang). He will give blessings to those who are interested.

He is in the US until May 2024

Host an event near you!

He will be in Maine April 23-28th, 2024

It’s important to share this valuable resource and the wisdom that Swamiji has gained. He loves to engage with a question and answer session especially those that involve your honesty and sincerity regarding your own life’s hindrances. If we cannot face and accept our challenges how can we dissolve them?

Morning Outdoor Pranayama (breathing) 7:30am

Hallowell, Maine. You are welcome to join us each morning at Stevens Commons. Swami will share some exercises used for centuries for cleaning and clearing the mind and body of toxins. He will share his experience and wisdom which can guide you to being present and find a deeper connection with nature. Please wear comfortable clothes and bring tissues for clearing nasal passages. Meditation generally last an hour. You may leave whenever you need to.

Best to let us know when you are joining.

Join us on a spiritual retreat

Experience levels of meditation previously unknown with the loving patient guidance of a master. This is an experience not to be missed. Live in the way of a Swami. Wake up. Listen to music. Dance. Celebrate. Go for Walks. Cook. Enjoy delicious Vegetarian foods. Meditate. Enjoy nature.

Swamiji will answer questions, share ancient breathing practices, and lead you into a deep meditative state. You can slowly shift your state of being with a guide who knows the way. Sincerity. Patience. Determination.

Find out more

Volunteer and spend time with Enlightened Master Swami Gupta